Our website are designed to connected the actual seller to actual buyer. We introduced buying limit to prevent buy to sell flipper.

      How it works? Depends on the brand, style and condition. First, it apply to your shopping bag. For example you added an item “Chanel - Bag - Shoulder Bag - Very Good Condition” to the shipping bag. You won’t able to add another “Chanel - Bag - Shoulder Bag - Very Good Condition”, but you can select another style or condition, like “Chanel - Bag - Tote Bag - Very Good Condition” or “Chanel - Bag - Shoulder Bag - Good Condition”. You can removed the previous item before adding another “Chanel - Bag - Shoulder Bag - Very Good Condition”.

      Once you paid the order. There is a cool down period depends on the condition, Very good condition 25days, Good condition 20days, Fair condition 10days, Damaged condition 5days.

      You bought an item that is “Chanel - Bag - Shoulder Bag - Very Good Condition”. You need to wait 25days to buy another “Chanel - Bag - Shoulder Bag - Very Good Condition”, but you can buy another style or condition, like “Chanel - Bag - Tote Bag - Very Good Condition” or “Chanel - Bag - Shoulder Bag - Good Condition”

      What are the differences between the standard member price and the Platinum VIP price?Our website introduces VIP membership. You can pay to become a VIP member. You will receive up to 30% discount on all listings. Yes, up to 30%. If you're buying a 4000 Euro Chanel bag, being a Platinum member only costs 2800 Euros!

      You don’t need to ask for the discount; it will be applied to you shopping bag automatically.

      Not able to add an item to shopping bag? There are few reasons that could happen.

      1. You bought an item from the same brand, style and condition, therefore you are still in the cool down period.

      2. You already have an item in your shopping bag that is same brand, style and condition. You need to remove that item in shopping bag first before adding another one.

      3. Another member is trying to pay for the same item. You need to wait 7min to try again. If the other member did not complete the order in 7min, the item will release to all member.

      Keep in mind that adding the item to your shopping bag not equal to reserved the item. Only the member who paid first will own it.

      You want to add a strap to the item. Yes, we provide the service for a low price. In the add-on area (below the picture), if our professionals decide this item is suitable for adding a strap, you will be able to see a suitable strap in the add-on area. Keep in mind that not everything can add a strap; our professionals will decide if it is suitable or not. If you don’t see an add-on strap for that item, which means it is not suitable, do not message us to request a strap for it.

      What if I want a shorter strap? You want that add-on strap, but shorter? If that is a chain-style strap, usually we can adjust it; it will mentioned in the description on that add-on item if we can make a different length. You select that add-on and click add to cart, then put a message in the comment box at the checkout page.

      In the shopping bag page, once you click “next” to process the order, we will countdown 7min for you to complete the payment. If the payment not received in 7min, your item will release to all member, they will able to process the order as well.

      In the checkout page, we have a “Import Tax Calculator”. You can get an estimate on how much import tax you will need to pay. You can adjust the number to get the best situation that suit you.

      Once you paid. We will send it to a professional to add the add-on strap before shipping it to you.

      Keep in mind that the add-on strap requires us to punch a few holes in the item itself to attach the buckle. This kind of add-on may constitute a form of alteration, which may lead to the refusal of any after-sale services provided to customers by the brand companies.

      You are now on buying limit cool down period. Depends on the condition of the item. Very good condition 25days, Good condition 20days, Fair condition 10days, Damaged condition 5days.

      You can not buy another item from same brand, same style and same condition. But you can select another style or condition.

      Can’t wait to buy your desired goods?Let’s start shopping!